Kindred Movement- Tawny Austin, Fair Trade Advocate & Trades of Hope Partner

Contact Kindred Movement- Tawny Austin, Fair Trade Advocate & Trades of Hope Partner
About Kindred Movement- Tawny Austin, Fair Trade Advocate & Trades of Hope Partner
Fair Trade, Ethical Fashion, Home Decor, Coffee, Toys, Body Care Products & More! Ending Trafficking & Global Poverty through Job Creation.
I partner with multiple brands, but the main one is Trades of Hope.
Trades of Hope is a business on a mission, rooted in compassion, promoting fair trade principles & growing sustainable partnerships with women from 19 countries around the world, including the USA.
We believe the best way to help the Poor & Vulnerable RISE UP out of poverty & trafficking… is by providing them with a long-term, dignified job that pays them a fair & living wage. About 80% of our Artisan Partners are women, 20% are men. We have found opportunities in some countries, like Haiti & India, by partnering with men we can help keep families together.
When I say our products are “fair trade” & we are members of the Fair Trade Federation, what does that mean?
It means we cultivate a Fair Trade business built on the following principles:
1 • We create opportunities for the marginalized artisans. It is a strategy for sustainable development through long-term relationships.
2 • Our relationship with our artisans is transparent & accountable. They are open, fair, consistent & respectful. We depend on each other.
3 • We invest time & resources to help our Artisan Partner groups build their businesses.
4 • We build awareness about fair trade.
5 • We are prompt & fair in paying our Artisan Partners. They get paid 100% the full asking price at the time we place our order. We also pay for all their products to ship to our homebase in Florida to help protect their profit margin.
6 • We support safe & empowered working conditions that are free of discrimination & forced labor.
7 • We encourage responsible use of resources.
8 • We ensure the rights of children by never using child labor.
9 • We respect Cultural Identity & History.
🌍 Doesn’t that sound like a great business model to support?
Accepts Credit Cards Ships Good for Kids
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