Bobbiejo’s Younique

Contact Bobbiejo’s Younique
About Bobbiejo’s Younique

My name is Bobbiejo. I’m 29yrs old a mother of three and as of October I was put off work due to being diagnosed with Tourette’s syndrome from the Covid vaccine that I got mandated to take back in January. I had a severe allergic reaction to just one dose and have had nothing but problems since. It has put a lot of strain on my family being down an income so I decided to join this wonderful company called younique to help bring in income still so any help would be appreciated. It has been a roller coaster for my family trying to comprehend and understand what’s going on and trying to get answers from doctors and specialist fighting for disability and being told that I might not be able to go back to work ever doing something I enjoy it is very hard for me to do this I don’t like begging for help so I took on the role as a presenter to still be able to say that I’m working and not just getting handouts.

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